The Chicago Construction Codes are about to undergo a major update on August 1, 2020. At this time, they are generally grouped together under Titles 13, 15 and 18 of the Chicago Municipal Code, but will be broken out into their own sub-titles in Title 14. A letter designation will title the sub-tile to reflect a much closer alignment to the 2018 International Code Council codes. For example, the new Chicago Building Code will be designated as Title 14B, while the Chicago Mechanical Code will be found in Title 14M.
At this time, Titles 14A (Administrative Code), 14C (Conveyance Code), 14E (Electrical Code) and 14N (Energy Conservation Code) have already been implemented. Titles 14B (Building Code), 14R (Building Rehabilitation Code) and 14X (Exiting Building Code) will take effect on August 1, 2020. Titles 14F (Fire Prevention Code), 14G (Fuel Gas Code), 14M (Mechanical Code) and 14P (Plumbing Code) will take effect in 2021.
Upcoming blogs will touch on the changes affecting the life safety construction issues in Chicago. Contact Affiliated Fire Systems for your Chicago area life safety needs or if you have a specific question about life safety changes in the new Chicago Constructions codes,
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